Head of the department «Forestry and technology of woodworking industries»
Phone:8 (0212) 53-06-08
Branch information
Branch year |
1990 |
Number of students |
291 |
Specialty |
- Operation of equipment and technology of woodworking industries
- Woodworking technology
- Vocational education
3-75 01 01 Forestry
3-37 01-52 Car maintenance and repair.
Qualifications: «Forester», «Feller of the forest of the 6th category», «Driver of category» C «
- Secondary special education
2-75 01 01 Forestry.
Qualification «Forestry Technician»
Form of study |
Full-time (day) |
Training period |
- 2 years 10 months on the basis of 9 classes (OBO)
- 1 year 10 months based on PTO
- 1 year 6 months on the basis of 11 classes (CCA)
- Secondary special education (MTR) — 3 years 7 months. on the basis of 9 classes (budget form of education)
- Vocational education (VET) — 1 year 6 months. on the basis of 11 classes (budget form of education)
Student distribution |
JSC «Vitebskdrev»
VKMUP «Dawn»
Vityaz OJSC
JSC «Mogilevdrev»
Concern «Bellesbumir», Shklov
«Orshansky KSM»
GPU «National Park» Braslav Lakes «
Vileika Furniture Factory Branch of Molodechnomebel CJSC
GPU «Beresensky Biosphere Reserve»
GLHU «Begomlsky forestry»
SFA «Orshansky forestry»
KUPP «Verkhnedvinsk plant of joinery»
100% distribution to state forestry institutions throughout the territory of the Republic of Belarus |
Material base |
Cabinets and equipment meet the requirements, allowing to obtain quality knowledge and skills in the specialty, training nursery, felling ground |
Progress |
Students of the department actively participate in the sports and social life of the college, Vitebsk and Vitebsk region |
Staff composition |
All teachers of special disciplines have higher pedagogical, engineering-pedagogical or engineering-technical education. |
Learning perspectives (continued learning) |
EE «Belarusian State Technological University», Minsk |
At the department «Forestry and technology of woodworking industries» trained 291 students. Training is carried out at the level of vocational education (VET) and secondary special education (MTR), as well as at the level (MTR) on the basis of vocational education (profession «machine operator woodworking machines», «joiner») in the shortened period of training (1 year 10 months).
After the termination of the PTO level, graduates receive the qualifications of the Forester, the 6th category Forest Serviceman, and the Category C driver.
After graduating from the MTR level, graduates receive the qualification of a specialist in Forestry Technician and have the opportunity to continue their studies in a shorter period (4 years) for higher education at the Belarusian State Technological University (Minsk).
College graduates with the qualification «technician-technologist» have the opportunity to continue their studies in a shorter period in higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus (EI «Belarusian State Technological University», EI «Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives»).
Education at the level of VET in the specialty 3-46 01 51 «Operation of equipment and technology of woodworking industries», 3-70 02 53 «Carpentry, parquet and glass works» provides the opportunity to obtain several working professions: «Ramchik», «Machine operator woodworking machines», «Joiner».
Applicants must have a general basic education. Duration of training — 2 years 10 months with general secondary education.
Enrolled on the basis of general secondary education in the specialty 3-46 01 51 «Operation of equipment and technology of woodworking industries» has the opportunity to get 2 working professions: «Ramchik», «Machine operator woodworking machines».The term of study is 1 year.
Sphere of professional activity:
-repair and construction and woodworking organizations, organizations of housing and communal services;
-organizations and enterprises of forestry of the Republic of Belarus;
-national parks and reserves;
-research institutions;
-hunting facilities;
-other enterprises of forest users.
Objects of labor:
-forests and forest land;
-flora and fauna of forests;
-technology of forestry work and work on the conservation and protection of forests;
-afforestation technology;
-technology of conducting works in reserves, national parks and enterprises of side use of forest.
-wood of various breeds;
-wood board materials;
-processing of wood and wood materials.
In order to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained in college classes, training, technological, pre-diploma practices, and industrial training are conducted. Some practical classes are held at the school nursery. Students acquire skills in felling through the felling site at the site. Training practices are held on the basis of the Vitebsk forestry, some — on the territory of the branch of BSTU «Negorelsky experimental forestry».
A graduate who studied in the specialties 3-46 01 51 «Operation of equipment and technology of woodworking industries», 3-70 02 53 «Carpentry, parquet and glass works» has the ability to perform work on the processing of wood and wood materials, sawing wood, equipment operation, machinery , plants and lines, tools in the processing of wood and wood materials, sawing wood, manufacturing by hand and on woodworking equipment parts, assembled and installed carpentry-building products, etc.
A graduate who has received a vocational education, has the opportunity to continue training in the specialty 2-46 01 02 “Technology of woodworking industries” in a shorter period — 1 year 10 months. Training in the specialty provides for obtaining the qualification «Technician Technologist».
The sphere of professional activity of a specialist is:
-woodworking enterprises, logging, forestry and industrial enterprises of all forms of ownership, having workshops and sections for processing and manufacturing wood products and wood materials;
-design institutes and educational institutions;
Specialist prepared for the following types of professional activities:
-production and technology;
-design and technological;
-organizational and managerial.
Professional specialist functions:
-within their competence to design areas and woodworking shops, to draw up and execute technical documentation;
-develop and organize the technological process, ensuring the release of products of the required quality;
-issue production tasks to workers and organize their implementation;
-compile and execute accounting records and other functions in accordance with the educational standard “Secondary special education”.Specialty 2-46 01 02 «Technology woodworking industries»
This specialty is integrated with the specialty 1-46 01 02 «Technology of woodworking industries» of higher education.
Upon graduation from college, graduates work in organizations
JSC «Vitebskdrev»
GPU «National Park» Braslav Lakes «
OJSC Postavymebel
UE «Galant»
Drevprom LLC
OJSC «Orshansky combine of building materials»
Beldver LLC</li>
ChTPUP «Forest Production»
Kopov and K LLC
ПЧУП “Safo”
LLC Divnoye
Vitebsk State Industrial Forestry Association
State forestry enterprise «Dyatlovsky forestry»
GPU «National Park» Pripyat «
GPU «National Park» Braslav Lakes «
GPU «Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve»
JSC «Zelenkhoz»
and many other organizations.
Vocational guidance booklet department
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