Head of the department of «Documentation and Law»
The department’s history dates back to September 1991, when one of the first in Belarus began to prepare students for the profession “Typist secretary with knowledge of shorthand, foreign typing, modern office equipment and PC”.
In 1997, meeting the requirements of the time, the profession “typist secretary” was expanded and training was conducted by the profession “secretary typist, personnel inspector”. Having mastered this profession, students continued their studies to receive specialized secondary education in the specialty «Jurisprudence».
Currently, the department trains 250 people in 9 groups on the basis of general basic, general secondary and vocational education.
For vocational education, training is provided in the following specialties:
3-25 01 53 Documentation, information and organizational services;
3-40 02 52 Operation of electronic computers
Qualifications: secretary
Type of profession |
«Man-man», «Man-sign system» |
Place of work |
In organizations and enterprises of any profile and any specifics of activity |
Job responsibilities |
receiving information from employees of departments, calling them on behalf of the head, organizing reception of visitors;
organization of telephone conversations of the head;
arranging business correspondence for a manager, sorting correspondence;
preparation of meetings held by the leader; </ span>
computer dialing at the direction of the head of various materials, documentation and sending them to recipients using office equipment;
commissioning reports, letters, documents on behalf of the manager;
formation of cases in accordance with the approved rules, ensuring their safety and transfer to the archive. |
Demand for professions |
Labor market demand is stable |
The secretary performs work in a specially equipped workplace. As a rule, in a separate room, next to the office manager. The main working posture — free, sitting at the table. Dynamic and static loads are low. The degree of physical activity is small. |
Labor content |
ensures the work of the head; maintains information services for the manager; organizes reception of visitors, holding meetings; carries out a computer set of documents; provides fast information transfer by means of communication; working with documents; use of office equipment. |
The basic requirements for the physical state of the body working |
accurate and clear visual perception;
well developed auditory and visual memory;
steady attention. |
Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist |
emotional stability, punctuality, accuracy, organization, responsibility, goodwill, tact, perseverance and firmness, sociability, ability to plan their work. |
The operator of electronic computers (personal electronic computers)
On the basis of general basic education in full-time education at the expense of the budget. Duration of training — 2 years 10 months.
The operator of electronic computers (personal electronic computers)
Type of profession |
«Man-sign system» |
Place of work |
In banks, insurance companies, trade and industrial institutions, Call-centers, publishing houses, companies engaged in the development and maintenance of websites, archives, etc. |
Job responsibilities |
Entering and processing information, performing calculations and drawing up tables for reports, processing documentation in order to enter it into computer databases. Establishing the causes of failures of personal computers. Carries out maintenance of personal computers, scanners, copiers, printers. |
Demand for professions |
Labor market demand is stable |
Working conditions
The computer operator works both independently and in a team if it works in the Call Center. Representatives of this profession perform work in specially organized and equipped workplaces. This may be special offices, etc. Work occurs mainly in a sitting position. The work is varied. Work does not apply to heavy. |
Labor content |
solving various problems of automating the production, storage and processing of various information;
enter information into the computer’s memory for further work with it;
sorting materials, performing mathematical calculations, compiling statements, tables, reports using a personal computer;
checking the health of the personal computer and its readiness for work;
detection of all faults and computer malfunctions, installation of the causes of these faults and, if possible, their elimination |
The basic requirements for the physical state of the body working |
the absence of diseases of the hands and fingers; accurate and clear visual perception;well developed auditory and visual memory; technical thinking; steady attention.
Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist |
good short-term memory; ability for long concentration of attention; responsibility; diligence; perseverance; patience; perseverance; the ability to concentrate on the details. |
3-25 01 53 Documentation, information and organizational services
Qualifications: Secretary
On the basis of general secondary education in full-time education at the expense of the budget. Duration of training — 10 months.
For secondary specialized education, training is carried out in the following specialties:
2-24 01 02 Jurisprudence (specialization 2-24 01 02 37 Economic, legal and personnel work)
Based on general basic education in full-time education for a fee. Duration of training — 2 years 10 months. Qualification: LawyerLawyer
Type of profession |
«Man-man» |
Place of work |
enterprises and organizations of various fields of activity; lawyer consulting; notary offices; government agencies to ensure the protection of order and safety; lawyers, prosecutors; preliminary investigation and inquiry bodies, courts; schools; private practice
Job responsibilities |
Interpretation and application of laws, ensuring legality, establishing the facts of offenses, providing legal assistance, regulating activities on the basis of laws, regulations, instructions, provisions of management, economic, industrial, civil activities of people, participation in the rule-making process for ensuring the economic interests of the state and in the decision procedure conflicts, legal advice, documentation, the provision of necessary references
Demand for professions |
Labor market demand is stable |
Lawyers can work independently and in a team. Most of the working day lawyers spend in the room (in the workplace or in courts or other institutions, where they leave for the performance of official duties). Work occurs predominantly sitting.
Labor content |
counseling to persons in need of legal assistance (legal assistance, reference and information assistance on legislation); the study of laws, regulations, regulations, international treaties and their application in practice; drawing up legal documents, contracts, acts (contracts, licenses) of a property-legal nature, assistance in their execution; control over the observance of legality (legal regulation of social norms and relations); provision of legal protection of citizens, organizations, the state; participation in legal proceedings (defense in court or support of charges).
The basic requirements for the physical state of the body working |
accurate and clear visual perception;
well developed auditory and visual memory;
steady attention.
Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist |
High sense of responsibility, lack of risk appetite; competent, clear speech; sociability; developed logical thinking; independence, initiative; perseverance; punctuality; concentration and shifting attention; emotional stability; good memory
2-26 02 31 Documentation and document management software
On the basis of vocational education in full-time education at the expense of the budget. The term of study is 1 year and 5 months. Qualification: Secretary-Assistant
Type of profession |
Place of work |
In organizations and enterprises of any profile and any specifics of activity
Job responsibilities |
work with visitors (meeting, presentation to the manager);
work with documents, their stationery preparation, design;
conducting business correspondence (by mail, e-mail, fax), telephone conversations;
preparation of meetings (documentation, organizing the notification of participants, taking minutes);
computer work, with office equipment.
Demand for professions |
Labor market demand is stable
Most often, the «Secretary-Assistant» carries out activities indoors, sitting at the workplace. Activities are carried out through constant interaction with new people in the course of work. Usually professional communication takes place directly, using technical means of communication.
Labor content |
performs technical functions and instructions of the head, applies rational methods of working with visitors and documents, thereby contributing to the successful solution of the main tasks of the organization. It registers and analyzes letters, documents, organizes them by importance, conducts telephone conversations, records and transmits the assignments of the head to the destination, monitors their implementation. Participates in the preparation of meetings and conferences, keeps their transcripts, regulates the reception of visitors. On behalf of the head, he prepares information on telephone messages, letters, documents, drafts letters and documents. Works on a personal computer, office equipment.
The basic requirements for the physical state of the body working |
accurate and clear visual perception;
well developed auditory and visual memory;
steady attention.
Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist |
good visual-shaped memory, a tendency to work with people and documents, moderate sociability, organization, goodwill, concentration of attention, emotional-volitional stability, pleasant appearance
After graduating from college, a specialist in documentation and documentation support of management can work in an institution of any level of management, of any industry and of any form of ownership. In other words — wherever there are people and documents. A graduate in this specialty is prepared for professional work in state, public, cooperative and commercial institutions, organizations, firms, enterprises in the services of document management support.
After graduation, graduates work in organizations such as:
-GUO “Oktyabrskaya secondary school of Vitebsk region”
-UO «Minsk GPTK PDI im.N.A. Kedyshko»
-Senno RAIPO
-GUO «Vitebsk special boarding school for children with hearing impairment»
-CUP «Management of capital construction of the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee»
-GU «National Academic Drama Theater named after Yakub Kolas»
-Ltd. «TechnoKranGrupp»
-GUDO “Center of creativity of children and youth of Cherven”
— JSC «Gorodok Flax Plant»
-KSUP «AgroBeresnevka»
-Beshenkovichsky RAIPO
-UZ «Beshenkovichi CRH»
-UO «Vitebsk State PTK of light industry»
-GU «Vitebsk City Archive»
-GU «Culture Center Vitebsk»
— JSC «PMK-26» Chashniki
— ChSTUP «KomGroupVlad»
-Department of education, sports and tourism of the administration of the October district of the city of Vitebsk
-Department of education, sports and tourism of the administration of the Zheleznodorozhny district of the city of Vitebsk
-UZ «Vitebsk Regional Clinical Dental Center»
-GUO «School № 44 Vitebsk»
-GUO «School № 7 of Vitebsk»
-GUO «Secondary School No. 8 of the city of Vitebsk im.A.M.Spenkova»
-Ltd. Group of Companies Resurskontrol
— Department of education, sport and tourism of Beshenkovichsky RIC
— JSC «Poultry Farm Gorodok»
-GUO “Secondary School No. 30 of the city of Vitebsk” and many other organizations.
To increase the level of knowledge and skills acquired in the learning process and to enhance the professional value of young specialists in choosing an educational institution, the following disciplines are introduced: «Basics of Accounting», «Archive», «Archive of the Organization» compulsory optional classes «1C: Accounting», «The procedure for forming documents for accrual of pensions ”,“ Business etiquette ”.
office services (general department, office, protocol department);
department or personnel management;
archival services, etc.
— as office manager;
— At the position of assistant secretary and others.
Knowledge and skills acquired at the college are a good basis for the future professional activities of graduates and for further continuation of studies in a shorter period at higher educational institutions in our country:
— Belarusian State University (Minsk);
— The Institute of Parliamentarism and Entrepreneurship (Minsk);
— EE «Baranovichi State University» (Baranavichy);
— EE «Mogilev State University named after A. Kuleshov» (Mogilev);
— EE «Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives» (Gomel);
— EE «Polotsk State University» (Polotsk);
— EE «Vitebsk State University named after PMMasherov» (Vitebsk);
— Vitebsk branch of the educational institution of the Federation of the trade union of Belarus “International Institute of Labor and Social Relations” (Vitebsk).
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